
Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant: Completed turbine installation, ready for date of power generation

Date 28/09/2021

On September 28, 2021, the Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant project phase 1 (installed capacity 40.5 MW) officially completed the installation of all turbines, other stages of the project are being rushed. implemented, ready to put the plant into operation and power generation before October 31, 2021.

From the spirit of overcoming difficulties, the passion for “windmills”

September 2021 is considered a “golden time” for wind power projects to sprint to achieve the power generation schedule before October 31, 2021 to enjoy the FIT price according to Decision No. 39/201/QD. – TTg of the Government. To achieve this, many challenges from the Covid-19 epidemic, social distancing, equipment transportation, rainy season weather, escalating price of raw materials… have put great pressure on the industry. the investors. However, these difficulties are also a test for investors to affirm their capacity, experience in project implementation and flexibility in construction solutions.

Panoramic view of Kosy Bac Lieu wind power project from above.

Located in Hoa Binh district, Bac Lieu province, Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant project phase 1 (installed capacity 40.5 MW) by Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Joint Stock Company – a member of the Group Kosy is the investor, with a total investment of VND 1,600 billion, construction started in October 2020.

As of September 28, 2021, all 9 turbines of the plant have been installed. This is the result of “the construction site does not sleep”, the spirit of determination to overcome difficulties, the speedy construction experience of the investor and the contractors. “All because of the passion for “windmills”, the construction crew worked double and triple capacity to complete the installation of turbines – the backbone of the project, an important milestone. affirming the belief in power generation before G”, shared Mr. Luong Hong Phong – Deputy General Director of Kosy Group.

Representative of the project investor and contractors in the completion ceremony of the wind turbine installation
Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant.

Completing the installation of all turbines of the project is an important factor, ensuring the schedule of power generation before October 31, 2021. The 9 turbines of Kosy Bac Lieu wind power plant are fully supplied by Goldwind International Renewable Group – the world’s top 3 largest turbine manufacturers. This turbine is the latest 4.5 MW smart turbine line, suitable for the wind conditions in the region, with blade diameter of 155 m, tower height of 130 m for increasing power output. Goldwind Turbine uses permanent magnet technology with direct drive, no gearbox, thereby reducing operating costs, increasing power generation efficiency.

For the energy industry in Vietnam, wind turbines (especially the gearless permanent magnet technology turbines used by the Kosy Bac Lieu wind power project) are a new technology. Mr. Ho Van Tuan, deputy head of the Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Project Management Unit, said that, from the stage of loading and unloading goods at the port, shipping by sea and by road, to installing turbines at the construction site, requires high technology and calculation. calculate very carefully. The coordination between the investor and the road and yard construction contractors, the contractor for the transportation and installation of turbines, and the supervision consultant should be unified, synchronized, and “fit” in a rhythm to save money. maximum time and high efficiency. “We have become “weather experts” in Bac Lieu, have to learn very carefully the time of the wind up, gusty wind, rain, sunshine… to flexibly prepare and install the main components at the right time. suitable point,” shared Mr. Ho Van Tuan.

As proof of this, Mr. Tuan cites the story when installing the turbine No. 5 of the project, while lifting the wing assembly, it was raining heavily and the wind was blowing, the plan to lower the wing combination was taboo because disassembly was very complicated. complex. However, only within a period of 15 minutes to assess the weather situation, the time when the main crane was at full throttle, the wind speed at the top of the crane (138 m high), the PMU decided to continue towing the nest. successfully assembled, centered and installed the turbine. If there is no quick and timely decision, as well as high installation techniques, the installation of turbines will be delayed for a long time because after that, the wind and rain will become heavier in the following days.

Turbine of Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant.

Even transporting turbines to the construction site during long epidemic days is not easy. When installing turbine No. 2, due to the stressful epidemic situation, the contractor could not bring the vehicle to the port of shipment on the last barge. If this device code is not shipped in time, the project may have to wait for dozens of days to install it again because it depends on many factors and misses the plan. The project management board had to work with contractors and partners to calculate all options, watch the time at the port until early morning to arrange transportation. That same day, the PMU installed the main crane and raised the boom before the truck arrived at the construction site, when the equipment arrived, the main crane was also on time, the installation options were ready, the progress was guaranteed according to the schedule. first plans. “We were all bursting with joy after minutes of suffocating tension. Perhaps, our passion for wind power, our consensus and enthusiasm in our work have helped us to overcome these difficulties,” said Mr. Chu Cong An, Deputy PMU.

Kosy Group engineers guide the operation and manipulation of equipment at the substation.

Together with the investor, the contractors also put all their efforts into the project. Mr. Nguyen Dinh Quy – Commander of the turbine pile foundation construction unit, contractor Dang Gia said: “We have arranged workers to work 3 shifts a day, excluding day and night. Although the time to deploy the package was right in the rainy season, plus the difficult construction terrain, with all our efforts, we completed all 9 turbine foundation pillars in accordance with the design requirements, ensuring the requirements of the project. technical requirements, quality and safety. All the best technologies and solutions are deployed by us in this project.”

Following the project closely from the early days, Mr. Ho Huy Hoang – Head of CONINCO-MI Supervision Consulting Group affirmed: “The investor Kosy Group is a very fierce unit in following every minute, every hour of project construction, a rare determination.”

“We have accompanied the project 24/7 at the construction site. The great determination of Kosy Group and the PMU has helped the project achieve this important result”, shared Mr. Vo Duy Trung – Head of the Supervision Consultant Team of PECC2.

Getting ready to finish…

In parallel with the completion of construction and installation of turbines, transformer stations and connection lines of the plant have also been completed. The project’s legal procedures were also urgently implemented and completed.

“All the documentation work of the Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power project has been carefully prepared, ready to wait for energizing, testing and COD of the power plant,” said Mr. Luong Hong Phong, Deputy General Director of Kosy Group. shall.

Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant Transformer Station.

Currently, the experimental installation of electrical adjustment for the turbines of Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power is being implemented and is expected to be completed in early October. Along with that is the connection of the 220 kV line, the completion of the connection of the 22 kV underground cable, the completion of the electrical part and the test run of the turbines. It is expected that from October 10 to 15, the PMU will invite the Acceptance Council to check that the works are eligible for energizing and connecting to the grid for the first time. All items are strictly monitored in accordance with regulations and plans, ensuring the progress of power generation for the whole plant before October 30, 2021. When the plant is completed and generating electricity, it will provide an average wind power output of about 116.7 million kWh/year, connected to the national grid system, contributing to ensuring energy security and promoting the development of the country. Socioeconomic.

Kosy Group is known as an urban and renewable energy developer in many provinces. In the field of renewable energy, after completing phase 1 of Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power project, Kosy Group will continue to deploy phase 2 (50 MW) of this project. In the field of hydropower, Kosy Group’s Nam Pac Hydropower Plant (34 MW) in Lai Chau will officially generate electricity and connect to the national grid in October 2021. In addition, in May 2021, Kosy Group started construction of Pa Vay Su hydropower project (50.5 MW) in Phong Tho, Lai Chau and Muong Tung hydropower project (32 MW) in Muong Cha, Dien Bien, with aim of generating power for 2 projects before September 30, 2023. Recently, Kosy Group has been approved by the People’s Committee of Bac Lieu province to survey, research and invest in an offshore wind power project (1,000 MW) in Bac Lieu and the province has requested the Ministry of Industry and Trade to add the project to National Power Development Plan. In addition, Kosy Group is studying, surveying and setting up a storage hydropower project (1,200 MW) in Lam Dong, which is expected to invest in construction in 2026 – 2030.
