
Sam Son: Untold story

Date 29/06/2022

Mr. Loc – Kosy Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant

“Summer is coming with bustling sound of cicadas

Enjoy the music in the reunion ceremony

Solidarity, Essence together

That is Kosy, our shared home

Destination of Essence

As expected, we, Bac Lieu team had our first summer trip since joining Kosy’s family. It’s been more than a month, but the echo of the trip to Sam Son is still intoxicating in our mind. The trip left behind wonderful emotions and unforgettable experiences. That is the concern and remuneration policy of Kosy Group for employees. Oh! Proud of Kosy Group culture – where “Essence converges”.

The rear – Strong base

Bac Lieu team consists of 5 members who are all married “young men”. Getting permission from their wife to go on a summer vacation is a big problem, especially at Kosy Group, which is full of beautiful women, so it is even more difficult (giggle). We are also “sleepless” for this issue.

The number of employees of Bac Lieu team in this summer vacation is just enough to setup a Futsal team. Among them, there is only one man in the operation department. As the plant is in the process of maintaining and turbine technology studying, the current workforce is just enough for operation, the indirect technical departments are in the process of recruiting personnel, so the whole not able to fully participate. Thanks to this journey, we would like to show our gratitude to the operators who stayed at the plant so that we could have a meaningful and interesting trip. Thank you so much for your love and sacrifices!

Exciting transport

“You are in the West, it’s starting to rain

I’m in Hanoi Street during Seagame season

Interesting journey I always remember

Everything on the road is good fortune”

Bac Lieu team departed on Uncle Ho’s birthday, the sky was blue as sympathy, we did not encounter rain during the journey from Bac Lieu to Hanoi. According to the schedule, we took a car from Bac Lieu to Can Tho airport to check in and took off at 5:10 pm on flight VJ466, expected to arrive in Hanoi at 9pm.

On 94A-05959 passenger bus from Bac Lieu – Can Tho

The atmosphere was bustling, we talked non-stop to help others forget about motion sickness. The story goes from how to ask for wife’s permission? What advice does our wifes give you at leaving? What are famous tourist attractions in Sam Son? What to eat in Sam Son? What to play? Where to stay? Have you prepared enough “guns and bullets”? Upon returning, what gift should we buy to represent Thanh Hoa’s characteristics? It is rumored that the female employees in the Group are much prettier in real life than in photos? Who are not married? “Wow, sea vacation!”…bla…bla.

Flight VJ466 Can Tho – Hanoi…

Delay Notice! First flight delay: “Wow! Well, let’s see that we have more time to enjoy food!” So we s had opportunities to experience “dinner at Ninh Kieu wharf”.

Delay Notice! Second flight delay: “That makes sense! Watching the semi-finals of Seagame 31 Vietnam – Malaysia at the airport”. Great experience guys. The audience today, at the Can Tho airport, the most demanding ones also accept the delay. All watched nervously during the official 90 minutes of the match.

Delay Notice! Third flight delay: “Again, it is so reasonable! Vietnam – Malaysia are drawing, now it’s time for 2 extra periods, we can not miss it? And not to disappoint the fans on flight VJ466, the Vietnamese team won a breathtaking victory over Malaysia to advance to the final of Seagame 31 at 19:00 on May 22 – the day our team will fly back to Can Tho on flight VJ463 at 20:10. 

Bus 05 Hanoi – Sam Son…

Continue the journey back to the land of Dong Son culture – Thanh Hoa – A sacred land with extraordinary people. Along with us on bus number 05, there were also colleagues from Nam Pac Hydropower PMU and Operation Board, Pa Vai Su Hydropower PMU, Muong Tung Hydropower PMU, Hydropower 2 PMU, Lai Chau Representative Office and Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office. Well, our Kosy 05 bus is all male, fortunately there was a female guide. Being the only girl, she was so shy that during the whole journey our bus was not “stirred up”. Furthermore, so as to keep the silence for the Highlanders to take a nap as they had to wake up early to join the group.

The bus moved away from Hanoi, when the sun was high in the sky. At that time, we saw idyllic scenes gradually appearing before our eyes, a green meadow, buffalos grazing, and in the distance, high mountains like dragons gliding, rarely seen in the West. The white clouds floating in the sky looked like dragon scales. Well, the acreage of the field is not larger than the West, but it is square, the water supply system for the field is constructed by concrete, great! Going a little further, I see the roof of the communal house, the roof of the temple with different architecture from Theravada Buddhism – in the West.

Also on this bus, I was told by the “oldest brother” of Nam Pac Hydroelectricity about the places we were going through. We all admire his thorough understanding of the names of places, monuments, and cultures of the ethnic groups where we passing by. He also shared a lot about his hydropower career. In response, we also talked enthusiastically about wind power. Like that, the story continues throughout the journey. Suddenly, there were some ” God of Gamblers” brothers at the end of the car asking the driver to stop for “relaxing”. The video “talking to the cliff” takes place in just 5 minutes, but leaves a lot of laughter in the bus, dispelling the sluggishness of the long-distance drive.

The romantic Sam Son beach …

The wheels on the bus went round and round, soon before our eyes was the romantic Sam Son beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the North Central region and was dubbed “the most ideal resort in Indochina”.

Our first impression when standing in front of Sam Son beach is the cool sea water, smooth white sand beach stretching along the coast, a lot of tourists come to Sam Son beach and “carelessly immerse themselves” in the infinite world of nature. We close our eyes to listen to the sound of the ocean waves, feel the whisper of coconut leaves and Indian almond trees swaying in the wind calling for rain.

It’s raining, so cool! It is so lucky to have rains in the summer of the North Central region. While sitting and drank water on the sidewalk, the lady said: “The hot season in Thanh Hoa starts from May to August, sometimes lasts until October. Thanh Hoa’s climate is dry and located in hot Laotian wind region, making the temperature during the season always high, sometimes unbearable. The average temperature is approximately 24.5 degrees Celsius. The peak heat usually falls in July, the temperature can be up to 39-40 degrees Celsius.

We were excited hearing so, as we will be playing team building games at this beach tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, the weather will be cool at that time so that may not affect the beauty of Kosy girls, that night, they are going to attend the prom, with the most gorgeous apperance in the carefully selected dresses.

The next day, we got up early in the morning to take a walk around the beach, watching fishermen harvesting and trading seafood, and admiring the sunrise in the distance.

After having breakfast, our whole group took an electric car to Quy Son football field, in order to see Kosy’s football talent, tactical thinking and above all, teamwork spirits. This year, Kosy internal football tournament will be played in a direct draw format, 2 winners would be chosen to play in the final, and 3 official matches would be held. With outstanding force, top team spirit and reasonable substitution tactics, Renewable Energy Team fully deserved being the champion of this year’s tournament.

Personally, the Sam Son summer tour is my comeback after more than 20 years since I was still “wearing short and T-shirt”, participating in the National Final round of the Youth Football Tournament. I suddenly realized that this return trip has many similarities with more than 20 years ago. Eagerly waiting for the departure date, which even made some people sleeples for several nights in a row; Traveling in a 45-seat bus, all were male and even the opening football match in the rain was a strange coincidence.

Throughout the summer travel tour, each place we went to left good memories with many interesting stories that happened like a movie without a prepared script: “15 minutes in the field to obtain a gold cup”, “male coach of the female tug of war”, “Southern boy being driver assistant in the North”, “Kosy Group disco night” and “missing an appointment on Nua mountain” with close brother. Tug of war show, exciting team building activities, full of laughter. Gala dinner is fun, warm and close… Read other articles from this magazine for more details, in the framework of this article, I only share side stories. Special thanks to the Board of Directors and the Organizing Committee for giving us a truly wonderful experience of a cohesive summer vacation!
